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"Acts 1: Introduction"
"Acts 2 Part 2"
Hold Fast Radio Ministry

Service Times
Sunday Morning Services:
1st Service: 9:00 AM
2nd Service: 11:00 AM
Note: We have a Nursery and Children's Church for both services
Adult Bible Study in the Library: 7:00 PM
Youth Service: 6:30-8:00 PM
6:30 Pizza, 7-8 Bible Study
​​Church Location
We currently meet at East Valley Middle School
4085 E Greenhurst Rd, Nampa, ID 83686
Church Mailing Adress:
Please don't send mail to the school send here:
1404 1st Street South, Nampa, ID 83651
​​​For More Information
Phone: 208-572-3317

​Golgotha Fellowship is a gathering of believers in Jesus Christ, who hold to His Word and don't deny His name. We believe that our Lord's return is imminent as described in the Scriptures. Therefore as Hebrews 10:23-25 tells us, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."
We are a fellowship built on the foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ, and His Gospel, which God ordained before the foundations of the earth. We are empowered and led by His Holy Spirit, holding firm to the Holy Bible which is the "God-breathed" infallible, inherent, Word of God.
We are a non-denominational church but hold to the Calvary Chapel Distinctives for "God's model of the Church." (See the free PDF book to the right)
We believe the Church was given an easy outline to follow in Acts 2:42, "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers."
We seek to have true fellowship with fellow Christians who are like-minded and seeking to grow in Spirit and in Truth.
Our services are casual and all are welcomed. We strive to walk out our Christian life in love and grace. We believe in the power of God's Word and His Holy Spirit to change any life, as we are examples of this very thing.
We are His trophies of Grace, and we believe in the same hope and power for all who trust in Him.

Remember, we are all a "work in progress"
We are an imperfect people seeking to know and love a perfect God. We know that He is the Author and the Finisher of our faith, and we understand that serving Him is not a legalistic work, but rather, a relationship based in Love. It is with a sincere heart of gratitude that we follow Him because we understand what He did to save us from sin, death, and Hell.
We believe the Lord is coming for His Church at any moment and we seek to be ready, and to make sure others are as well. We want to dedicate ourselves to knowing Him and making Him known so that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but receive eternal life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jesus told us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. If you are burdened with shackles of religion, legalism, struggle with sin, the cares of this world, or the worries of this life, just know, Jesus Christ loves you and in Him there is grace, hope, faith and love. We invite you to fellowship with us, as we are all just His trophies of grace.
We are a non-denominational church that holds firmly to the original "Calvary Chapel Distintctives" which were inspired by Pastor Chuck Smith. Please take some time to read the book posted here. It is a PDF file so you can click on it and download it.

Are You Searching?
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
The following is from
"The word gospel means “good news,” so the gospel of Christ is the good news of His coming to provide forgiveness of sins for all who will believe (Colossians 1:14; Romans 10:9). Since the first man’s sin, mankind has been under the condemnation of God (Romans 5:12). Because everyone breaks God’s perfect law by committing sin, everyone is guilty (Romans 3:23). The punishment for the crime of sin is physical death (Romans 6:23) and then an eternity spent in a place of punishment (Revelation 20:15; Matthew 25:46). This eternal separation from God is also called the “second death” (Revelation 20:14–15).
The bad news that all are guilty of sin and condemned by God is countered by the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. God, because of His love for the world, has made a way for man to be forgiven of their sins (John 3:16). He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to take the sins of mankind on Himself through death on a cross (1 Peter 2:24). In placing our sin on Christ, God ensured that all who will believe in the name of Jesus will be forgiven (Acts 10:43). Jesus’ resurrection guarantees the justification of all who believe (Romans 4:25)."
Golgotha Fellowship
Mailing Address:
1404 1st St S Nampa, ID 83651

Copyright Golgotha Fellowship
Phone: 208-572-3317